Friday, 17 October 2014

Setting up a repository in GIT

Saving changes

git add

The git add command adds a change in the working directory to the staging area. It tells Git that you want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit. However, git add doesn't really affect the repository in any significant way—changes are not actually recorded until you run git commit.
In conjunction with these commands, you'll also need git status to view the state of the working directory and the staging area.


git add <file>
Stage all changes in <file> for the next commit.
git add <directory>
Stage all changes in <directory> for the next commit.
git add -p
Begin an interactive staging session that lets you choose portions of a file to add to the next commit. This will present you with a chunk of changes and prompt you for a command. Use y to stage the chunk, n to ignore the chunk, s to split it into smaller chunks, e to manually edit the chunk, and q to exit.


The git add and git commit commands compose the fundamental Git workflow. These are the two commands that every Git user needs to understand, regardless of their team’s collaboration model. They are the means to record versions of a project into the repository’s history.
Developing a project revolves around the basic edit/stage/commit pattern. First, you edit your files in the working directory. When you’re ready to save a copy of the current state of the project, you stage changes with git add. After you’re happy with the staged snapshot, you commit it to the project history with git commit.
The git add command should not be confused with svn add, which adds a file to the repository. Instead, git add works on the more abstract level of changes. This means that git add needs to be called every time you alter a file, whereas svn add only needs to be called once for each file. It may sound redundant, but this workflow makes it much easier to keep a project organized.

The Staging Area

The staging area is one of Git's more unique features, and it can take some time to wrap your head around it if you’re coming from an SVN (or even a Mercurial) background. It helps to think of it as a buffer between the working directory and the project history.
Instead of committing all of the changes you've made since the last commit, the stage lets you group related changes into highly focused snapshots before actually committing it to the project history. This means you can make all sorts of edits to unrelated files, then go back and split them up into logical commits by adding related changes to the stage and commit them piece-by-piece. As in any revision control system, it’s important to create atomic commits so that it’s easy to track down bugs and revert changes with minimal impact on the rest of the project.


When you’re starting a new project, git add serves the same function as svn import. To create an initial commit of the current directory, use the following two commands:
git add .
git commit
Once you’ve got your project up-and-running, new files can be added by passing the path to git add:
git add
git commit
The above commands can also be used to record changes to existing files. Again, Git doesn’t differentiate between staging changes in new files vs. changes in files that have already been added to the repository.

git commit

The git commit command commits the staged snapshot to the project history. Committed snapshots can be thought of as “safe” versions of a project—Git will never change them unless you explicity ask it to. Along with git add, this is one of the most important Git commands.
While they share the same name, this command is nothing like svn commit. Snapshots are committed to the local repository, and this requires absolutely no interaction with other Git repositories.


git commit
Commit the staged snapshot. This will launch a text editor prompting you for a commit message. After you’ve entered a message, save the file and close the editor to create the actual commit. git commit -m "<message>"
Commit the staged snapshot, but instead of launching a text editor, use <message> as the commit message.
git commit -a
Commit a snapshot of all changes in the working directory. This only includes modifications to tracked files (those that have been added with git add at some point in their history).


Snapshots are always committed to the local repository. This is fundamentally different from SVN, wherein the working copy is committed to the central repository. In contrast, Git doesn’t force you to interact with the central repository until you’re ready. Just as the staging area is a buffer between the working directory and the project history, each developer’s local repository is a buffer between their contributions and the central repository.
This changes the basic development model for Git users. Instead of making a change and committing it directly to the central repo, Git developers have the opportunity to accumulate commits in their local repo. This has many advantages over SVN-style collaboration: it makes it easier to split up a feature into atomic commits, keep related commits grouped together, and clean up local history before publishing it to the central repository. It also lets developers work in an isolated environment, deferring integration until they’re at a convenient break point.

Snapshots, Not Differences

Aside from the practical distinctions between SVN and Git, their underlying implementation also follow entirely divergent design philosophies. Whereas SVN tracks differences of a file, Git’s version control model is based on snapshots. For example, an SVN commit consists of a diff compared to the original file added to the repository. Git, on the other hand, records the entire contents of each file in every commit.
This makes many Git operations much faster than SVN, since a particular version of a file doesn’t have to be “assembled” from its diffs—the complete revision of each file is immediately available from Git's internal database.
Git's snapshot model has a far-reaching impact on virtually every aspect of its version control model, affecting everything from its branching and merging tools to its collaboration workflows.


The following example assumes you’ve edited some content in a file called and are ready to commit it to the project history. First, you need to stage the file with git add, then you can commit the staged snapshot.
git add
git commit
This will open a text editor (customizable via git config) asking for a commit message, along with a list of what’s being committed:
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
Git doesn't require commit messages to follow any specific formatting constraints, but the canonical format is to summarize the entire commit on the first line in less than 50 characters, leave a blank line, then a detailed explanation of what’s been changed. For example:
Change the message displayed by

- Update the sayHello() function to output the user's name
- Change the sayGoodbye() function to a friendlier message
Note that many developers also like to use present tense in their commit messages. This makes them read more like actions on the repository, which makes many of the history-rewriting operations more intuitive.

Inspecting a repository

git status

The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It lets you see which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git. Status output does not show you any information regarding the committed project history. For this, you need to use git log.


git status
List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked.


The git status command is a relatively straightforward command. It simply shows you what's been going on with git add and git commit. Status messages also include relevant instructions for staging/unstaging files. Sample output showing the three main categories of a git status call is included below:
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Ignoring Files

Untracked files typically fall into two categories. They‘re either files that have just been added to the project and haven’t been committed yet, or they're compiled binaries like .pyc, .obj, .exe, etc. While it's definitely beneficial to include the former in the git status output, the latter can make it hard to see what’s actually going on in your repository.
For this reason, Git lets you completely ignore files by placing paths in a special file called .gitignore. Any files that you'd like to ignore should be included on a separate line, and the * symbol can be used as a wildcard. For example, adding the following to a .gitignore file in your project root will prevent compiled Python modules from appearing in git status:


It‘s good practice to check the state of your repository before committing changes so that you don’t accidentally commit something you don't mean to. This example displays the repository status before and after staging and committing a snapshot:
# Edit
git status
# is listed under "Changes not staged for commit"
git add
git status
# is listed under "Changes to be committed"
git commit
git status
# nothing to commit (working directory clean)
The first status output will show the file as unstaged. The git addaction will be reflected in the second git status, and the final status output will tell you that there is nothing to commit—the working directory matches the most recent commit. Some Git commands (e.g., git merge) require the working directory to be clean so that you don't accidentally overwrite changes.

git log

The git log command displays committed snapshots. It lets you list the project history, filter it, and search for specific changes. While git status lets you inspect the working directory and the staging area, git log only operates on the committed history.
Log output can be customized in several ways, from simply filtering commits to displaying them in a completely user-defined format. Some of the most common configurations of git log are presented below.


git log
Display the entire commit history using the default formatting. If the output takes up more than one screen, you can use Space to scroll and q to exit.
git log -n <limit>
Limit the number of commits by <limit>. For example, git log -n 3will display only 3 commits.
git log --oneline
Condense each commit to a single line. This is useful for getting a high-level overview of the project history.
git log --stat
Along with the ordinary git log information, include which files were altered and the relative number of lines that were added or deleted from each of them.
git log -p
Display the patch representing each commit. This shows the full diff of each commit, which is the most detailed view you can have of your project history.
git log --author="<pattern>"
Search for commits by a particular author. The <pattern> argument can be a plain string or a regular expression.
git log --grep="<pattern>"
Search for commits with a commit message that matches <pattern>, which can be a plain string or a regular expression.
git log <since>..<until>
Show only commits that occur between <since> and <until>. Both arguments can be either a commit ID, a branch name, HEAD, or any other kind of revision reference.
git log <file>
Only display commits that include the specified file. This is an easy way to see the history of a particular file.
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
A few useful options to consider. The —graph flag that will draw a text based graph of the commits on the left hand side of the commit messages. —decorate adds the names of branches or tags of the commits that are shown. —oneline shows the commit information on a single line making it easier to browse through commits at-a-glance.


The git log command is Git's basic tool for exploring a repository’s history. It’s what you use when you need to find a specific version of a project, figure out what changes will be introduced by merging in a feature branch, or see which developer(s) have been slacking.
commit 3157ee3718e180a9476bf2e5cab8e3f1e78a73b7
Author: John Smith
Most of this is pretty straightforward; however, the first line warrants some explanation. The 40-character string after commit is an SHA-1 checksum of the commit’s contents. This serves two purposes. First, it ensures the integrity of the commit—if it was ever corrupted, the commit would generate a different checksum. Second, it serves as a unique ID for the commit.
This ID can be used in commands like git log <since>..<until> to refer to specific commits. For instance, git log 3157e..5ab91 will display everything between the commits with ID's 3157e and 5ab91. Aside from checksums, branch names (discussed in the Branch Module) and the HEAD keyword are other common methods for referring to individual commits. HEAD always refers to the current commit, be it a branch or a specific commit.
The ~ character is useful for making relative references to the parent of a commit. For example, 3157e~1 refers to the commit before 3157e, and HEAD~3 is the great-grandparent of the current commit.
The idea behind all of these identification methods is to let you perform actions based on specific commits. The git log command is typically the starting point for these interactions, as it lets you find the commits you want to work with.


The Usage section provides many examples of git log, but keep in mind that several options can be combined into a single command:
git log --author="John Smith" -p
This will display a full diff of all the changes John Smith has made to the file
The .. syntax is a very useful tool for comparing branches. The next example displays a brief overview of all the commits that are in some-feature that are not in master.
git log --oneline master..some-feature

Viewing old commits

git checkout

The git checkout command serves three distinct functions: checking out files, checking out commits, and checking out branches. In this module, we’re only concerned with the first two configurations.
Checking out a commit makes the entire working directory match that commit. This can be used to view an old state of your project without altering your current state in any way. Checking out a file lets you see an old version of that particular file, leaving the rest of your working directory untouched.


git checkout master
Return to the master branch. Branches are covered in depth in the next module, but for now, you can just think of this as a way to get back to the “current” state of the project.
git checkout <commit> <file>
Check out a previous version of a file. This turns the <file> that resides in the working directory into an exact copy of the one from <commit> and adds it to the staging area.
git checkout <commit>
Update all files in the working directory to match the specified commit. You can use either a commit hash or a tag as the <commit>argument. This will put you in a detached HEAD state.


The whole idea behind any version control system is to store “safe” copies of a project so that you never have to worry about irreparably breaking your code base. Once you’ve built up a project history, git checkout is an easy way to “load” any of these saved snapshots onto your development machine.
Checking out an old commit is a read-only operation. It’s impossible to harm your repository while viewing an old revision. The “current” state of your project remains untouched in the master branch (see the Branches Module for details). During the normal course of development, the HEAD usually points to master or some other local branch, but when you check out a previous commit, HEAD no longer points to a branch—it points directly to a commit. This is called a “detached HEAD” state, and it can be visualized as the following:
On the other hand, checking out an old file does affect the current state of your repository. You can re-commit the old version in a new snapshot as you would any other file. So, in effect, this usage of git checkout serves as a way to revert back to an old version of an individual file.


Viewing an Old Revision

This example assumes that you’ve started developing a crazy experiment, but you’re not sure if you want to keep it or not. To help you decide, you want to take a look at the state of the project before you started your experiment. First, you’ll need to find the ID of the revision you want to see.
git log --oneline
Let’s say your project history looks something like the following:
b7119f2 Continue doing crazy things
872fa7e Try something crazy
a1e8fb5 Make some important changes to
435b61d Create
9773e52 Initial import
You can use git checkout to view the “Make some import changes to” commit as follows:
git checkout a1e8fb5
This makes your working directory match the exact state of the a1e8fb5 commit. You can look at files, compile the project, run tests, and even edit files without worrying about losing the current state of the project. Nothing you do in here will be saved in your repository. To continue developing, you need to get back to the “current” state of your project:
git checkout master
This assumes that you're developing on the default master branch, which will be thoroughly discussed in the Branches Module.
Once you’re back in the master branch, you can use either git revert or git reset to undo any undesired changes.

Checking Out a File

If you’re only interested in a single file, you can also use git checkout to fetch an old version of it. For example, if you only wanted to see the file from the old commit, you could use the following command:
git checkout a1e8fb5
Remember, unlike checking out a commit, this does affect the current state of your project. The old file revision will show up as a “Change to be committed,” giving you the opportunity to revert back to the previous version of the file. If you decide you don’t want to keep the old version, you can check out the most recent version with the following:
git checkout HEAD

Undoing Changes

This tutorial provides all of the necessary skills to work with previous revisions of a software project. First, it shows you how to explore old commits, then it explains the difference between reverting public commits in the project history vs. resetting unpublished changes on your local machine.

git checkout

The git checkout command serves three distinct functions: checking out files, checking out commits, and checking out branches. In this module, we’re only concerned with the first two configurations.
Checking out a commit makes the entire working directory match that commit. This can be used to view an old state of your project without altering your current state in any way. Checking out a file lets you see an old version of that particular file, leaving the rest of your working directory untouched.


git checkout master
Return to the master branch. Branches are covered in depth in the next module, but for now, you can just think of this as a way to get back to the “current” state of the project.
git checkout <commit> <file>
Check out a previous version of a file. This turns the <file> that resides in the working directory into an exact copy of the one from <commit> and adds it to the staging area.
git checkout <commit>
Update all files in the working directory to match the specified commit. You can use either a commit hash or a tag as the <commit>argument. This will put you in a detached HEAD state.


The whole idea behind any version control system is to store “safe” copies of a project so that you never have to worry about irreparably breaking your code base. Once you’ve built up a project history, git checkout is an easy way to “load” any of these saved snapshots onto your development machine.
Checking out an old commit is a read-only operation. It’s impossible to harm your repository while viewing an old revision. The “current” state of your project remains untouched in the master branch (see the Branches Module for details). During the normal course of development, the HEAD usually points to master or some other local branch, but when you check out a previous commit, HEAD no longer points to a branch—it points directly to a commit. This is called a “detached HEAD” state, and it can be visualized as the following:
On the other hand, checking out an old file does affect the current state of your repository. You can re-commit the old version in a new snapshot as you would any other file. So, in effect, this usage of git checkout serves as a way to revert back to an old version of an individual file.


Viewing an Old Revision

This example assumes that you’ve started developing a crazy experiment, but you’re not sure if you want to keep it or not. To help you decide, you want to take a look at the state of the project before you started your experiment. First, you’ll need to find the ID of the revision you want to see.
git log --oneline
Let’s say your project history looks something like the following:
b7119f2 Continue doing crazy things
872fa7e Try something crazy
a1e8fb5 Make some important changes to
435b61d Create
9773e52 Initial import
You can use git checkout to view the “Make some import changes to” commit as follows:
git checkout a1e8fb5
This makes your working directory match the exact state of the a1e8fb5 commit. You can look at files, compile the project, run tests, and even edit files without worrying about losing the current state of the project. Nothing you do in here will be saved in your repository. To continue developing, you need to get back to the “current” state of your project:
git checkout master
This assumes that you're developing on the default master branch, which will be thoroughly discussed in the Branches Module.
Once you’re back in the master branch, you can use either git revert or git reset to undo any undesired changes.

Checking Out a File

If you’re only interested in a single file, you can also use git checkout to fetch an old version of it. For example, if you only wanted to see the file from the old commit, you could use the following command:
git checkout a1e8fb5
Remember, unlike checking out a commit, this does affect the current state of your project. The old file revision will show up as a “Change to be committed,” giving you the opportunity to revert back to the previous version of the file. If you decide you don’t want to keep the old version, you can check out the most recent version with the following:
git checkout HEAD

git revert

The git revert command undoes a committed snapshot. But, instead of removing the commit from the project history, it figures out how to undo the changes introduced by the commit and appends anew commit with the resulting content. This prevents Git from losing history, which is important for the integrity of your revision history and for reliable collaboration.


git revert <commit>
Generate a new commit that undoes all of the changes introduced in <commit>, then apply it to the current branch.


Reverting should be used when you want to remove an entire commit from your project history. This can be useful, for example, if you’re tracking down a bug and find that it was introduced by a single commit. Instead of manually going in, fixing it, and committing a new snapshot, you can use git revert to automatically do all of this for you.

Reverting vs. Resetting

It's important to understand that git revert undoes a single commit—it does not “revert” back to the previous state of a project by removing all subsequent commits. In Git, this is actually called a reset, not a revert.
Reverting has two important advantages over resetting. First, it doesn’t change the project history, which makes it a “safe” operation for commits that have already been published to a shared repository. For details about why altering shared history is dangerous, please see the git reset page.
Second, git revert is able to target an individual commit at an arbitrary point in the history, whereas git reset can only work backwards from the current commit. For example, if you wanted to undo an old commit with git reset, you would have to remove all of the commits that occurred after the target commit, remove it, then re-commit all of the subsequent commits. Needless to say, this is not an elegant undo solution.


The following example is a simple demonstration of git revert. It commits a snapshot, then immediately undoes it with a revert.
# Edit some tracked files

# Commit a snapshot
git commit -m "Make some changes that will be undone"

# Revert the commit we just created
git revert HEAD
This can be visualized as the following:
Note that the 4th commit is still in the project history after the revert. Instead of deleting it, git revert added a new commit to undo its changes. As a result, the 3rd and 5th commits represent the exact same code base, and the 4th commit is still in our history just in case we want to go back to it down the road.

git reset

If git revert is a “safe” way to undo changes, you can think of git reset as the dangerous method. When you undo with git reset(and the commits are no longer referenced by any ref or the reflog), there is no way to retrieve the original copy—it is apermanent undo. Care must be taken when using this tool, as it’s one of the only Git commands that has the potential to lose your work.
Like git checkout, git reset is a versatile command with many configurations. It can be used to remove committed snapshots, although it’s more often used to undo changes in the staging area and the working directory. In either case, it should only be used to undo local changes—you should never reset snapshots that have been shared with other developers.


git reset <file>
Remove the specified file from the staging area, but leave the working directory unchanged. This unstages a file without overwriting any changes.
git reset
Reset the staging area to match the most recent commit, but leave the working directory unchanged. This unstages all files without overwriting any changes, giving you the opportunity to re-build the staged snapshot from scratch.
git reset --hard
Reset the staging area and the working directory to match the most recent commit. In addition to unstaging changes, the --hard flag tells Git to overwrite all changes in the working directory, too. Put another way: this obliterates all uncommitted changes, so make sure you really want to throw away your local developments before using it.
git reset <commit>
Move the current branch tip backward to <commit>, reset the staging area to match, but leave the working directory alone. All changes made since <commit> will reside in the working directory, which lets you re-commit the project history using cleaner, more atomic snapshots.
git reset --hard <commit>
Move the current branch tip backward to <commit> and reset both the staging area and the working directory to match. This obliterates not only the uncommitted changes, but all commits after <commit>, as well.


All of the above invocations are used to remove changes from a repository. Without the --hard flag, git reset is a way to clean up a repository by unstaging changes or uncommitting a series of snapshots and re-building them from scratch. The --hard flag comes in handy when an experiment has gone horribly wrong and you need a clean slate to work with.
Whereas reverting is designed to safely undo a public commit, git reset is designed to undo local changes. Because of their distinct goals, the two commands are implemented differently: resetting completely removes a changeset, whereas revertingmaintains the original changeset and uses a new commit to apply the undo.

Don’t Reset Public History

You should never use git reset <commit> when any snapshots after <commit> have been pushed to a public repository. After publishing a commit, you have to assume that other developers are reliant upon it.
Removing a commit that other team members have continued developing poses serious problems for collaboration. When they try to sync up with your repository, it will look like a chunk of the project history abruptly disappeared. The sequence below demonstrates what happens when you try to reset a public commit. The origin/master branch is the central repository’s version of your localmaster branch.
As soon as you add new commits after the reset, Git will think that your local history has diverged from origin/master, and the merge commit required to synchronize your repositories is likely to confuse and frustrate your team.
The point is, make sure that you’re using git reset <commit> on a local experiment that went wrong—not on published changes. If you need to fix a public commit, the git revert command was designed specifically for this purpose.


Unstaging a File

The git reset command is frequently encountered while preparing the staged snapshot. The next example assumes you have two files called and that you’ve already added to the repository.
# Edit both and

# Stage everything in the current directory
git add .

# Realize that the changes in and
# should be committed in different snapshots

# Unstage
git reset

# Commit only
git commit -m "Make some changes to"

# Commit in a separate snapshot
git add
git commit -m "Edit"
As you can see, git reset helps you keep your commits highly-focused by letting you unstage changes that aren’t related to the next commit.

Removing Local Commits

The next example shows a more advanced use case. It demonstrates what happens when you’ve been working on a new experiment for a while, but decide to completely throw it away after committing a few snapshots.
# Create a new file called `` and add some code to it

# Commit it to the project history
git add
git commit -m "Start developing a crazy feature"

# Edit `` again and change some other tracked files, too

# Commit another snapshot
git commit -a -m "Continue my crazy feature"

# Decide to scrap the feature and remove the associated commits
git reset --hard HEAD~2
The git reset HEAD~2 command moves the current branch backward by two commits, effectively removing the two snapshots we just created from the project history. Remember that this kind of reset should only be used on unpublished commits. Never perform the above operation if you’ve already pushed your commits to a shared repository.

git clean

The git clean command removes untracked files from your working directory. This is really more of a convenience command, since it’s trivial to see which files are untracked with git status and remove them manually. Like an ordinary rm command, git clean is notundoable, so make sure you really want to delete the untracked files before you run it.
The git clean command is often executed in conjunction with git reset --hard. Remember that resetting only affects tracked files, so a separate command is required for cleaning up untracked ones. Combined, these two commands let you return the working directory to the exact state of a particular commit.


git clean -n
Perform a “dry run” of git clean. This will show you which files are going to be removed without actually doing it.
git clean -f
Remove untracked files from the current directory. The -f (force) flag is required unless the clean.requireForce configuration option is set to false (it's true by default). This will not remove untracked folders or files specified by .gitignore.
git clean -f <path>
Remove untracked files, but limit the operation to the specified path.
git clean -df
Remove untracked files and untracked directories from the current directory.
git clean -xf
Remove untracked files from the current directory as well as any files that Git usually ignores.


The git reset --hard and git clean -f commands are your best friends after you’ve made some embarrassing developments in your local repository and want to burn the evidence. Running both of them will make your working directory match the most recent commit, giving you a clean slate to work with.
The git clean command can also be useful for cleaning up the working directory after a build. For example, it can easily remove the .o and .exe binaries generated by a C compiler. This is occasionally a necessary step before packaging a project for release. The -xoption is particularly convenient for this purpose.
Keep in mind that, along with git reset, git clean is one of the only Git commands that has the potential to permanently delete commits, so be careful with it. In fact, it’s so easy to lose important additions that the Git maintainers require the -f flag for even the most basic operations. This prevents you from accidentally deleting everything with a naive git clean call.


The following example obliterates all changes in the working directory, including new files that have been added. It assumes you’ve already committed a few snapshots and are experimenting with some new developments.
# Edit some existing files
# Add some new files
# Realize you have no idea what you're doing

# Undo changes in tracked files
git reset --hard

# Remove untracked files
git clean -df
After running this reset/clean sequence, the working directory and the staging area will look exactly like the most recent commit, and git status will report a clean working directory. You're now ready to begin again.
Note that, unlike the second example in git reset, the new files were _not _added to the repository. As a result, they could not be affected by git reset --hard, and git clean was required to delete them.

Rewriting history


Git‘s main job is to make sure you never lose a committed change. But, it’s also designed to give you total control over your development workflow. This includes letting you define exactly what your project history looks like; however, it also creates the potential to lose commits. Git provides its history-rewriting commands under the disclaimer that using them may result in lost content.
This tutorial discusses some of the most common reasons for overwriting committed snapshots and shows you how to avoid the pitfalls of doing so.

git commit --amend

The git commit --amend command is a convenient way to fix up the most recent commit. It lets you combine staged changes with the previous commit instead of committing it as an entirely new snapshot. It can also be used to simply edit the previous commit message without changing its snapshot.
But, amending doesn’t just alter the most recent commit—it replaces it entirely. To Git, it will look like a brand new commit, which is visualized with an asterisk (*) in the diagram above. It’s important to keep this in mind when working with public repositories.


git commit --amend
Combine the staged changes with the previous commit and replace the previous commit with the resulting snapshot. Running this when there is nothing staged lets you edit the previous commit’s message without altering its snapshot.


Premature commits happen all the time in the course of your everyday development. It’s easy to forget to stage a file or to format your commit message the wrong way. The --amend flag is a convenient way to fix these little mistakes.

Don’t Amend Public Commits

On the git reset page, we talked about how you should never reset commits that have been shared with other developers. The same goes for amending: never amend commits that have been pushed to a public repository.
Amended commits are actually entirely new commits, and the previous commit is removed from the project history. This has the same consequences as resetting a public snapshot. If you amend a commit that other developers have based their work on, it will look like the basis of their work vanished from the project history. This is a confusing situation for developers to be in and it’s complicated to recover from.


The following example demonstrates a common scenario in Git-based development. We edit a few files that we would like to commit in a single snapshot, but then we forget to add one of the files the first time around. Fixing the error is simply a matter of staging the other file and committing with the --amend flag:
# Edit and
git add
git commit

# Realize you forgot to add the changes from
git add
git commit --amend --no-edit
The editor will be populated with the message from the previous commit and including the --no-edit flag will allow you to make the amendment to your commit without changing its commit message. You can change it if necessary, otherwise just save and close the file as usual. The resulting commit will replace the incomplete one, and it will look like we committed the changes to and in a single snapshot.

git rebase

Rebasing is the process of moving a branch to a new base commit. The general process can be visualized as the following:
From a content perspective, rebasing really is just moving a branch from one commit to another. But internally, Git accomplishes this by creating new commits and applying them to the specified base—it’s literally rewriting your project history. It’s very important to understand that, even though the branch looks the same, it’s composed of entirely new commits.


git rebase <base>
Rebase the current branch onto <base>, which can be any kind of commit reference (an ID, a branch name, a tag, or a relative reference to HEAD).


The primary reason for rebasing is to maintain a linear project history. For example, consider a situation where the master branch has progressed since you started working on a feature:
You have two options for integrating your feature into the masterbranch: merging directly or rebasing and then merging. The former option results in a 3-way merge and a merge commit, while the latter results in a fast-forward merge and a perfectly linear history. The following diagram demonstrates how rebasing onto master facilitates a fast-forward merge.
Rebasing is a common way to integrate upstream changes into your local repository. Pulling in upstream changes with git merge results in a superfluous merge commit every time you want to see how the project has progressed. On the other hand, rebasing is like saying, “I want to base my changes on what everybody has already done.”

Don’t Rebase Public History

As we’ve discussed with git commit --amend and git reset, you should never rebase commits that have been pushed to a public repository. The rebase would replace the old commits with new ones, and it would look like that part of your project history abruptly vanished.


The example below combines git rebase with git merge to maintain a linear project history. This is a quick and easy way to ensure that your merges will be fast-forwarded.
# Start a new feature
git checkout -b new-feature master
# Edit files
git commit -a -m "Start developing a feature"
In the middle of our feature, we realize there’s a security hole in our project
# Create a hotfix branch based off of master
git checkout -b hotfix master
# Edit files
git commit -a -m "Fix security hole"
# Merge back into master
git checkout master
git merge hotfix
git branch -d hotfix
After merging the hotfix into master, we have a forked project history. Instead of a plain git merge, we’ll integrate the feature branch with a rebase to maintain a linear history:
git checkout new-feature
git rebase master
This moves new-feature to the tip of master, which lets us do a standard fast-forward merge from master:
git checkout master
git merge new-feature

git rebase -i

Running git rebase with the -i flag begins an interactive rebasing session. Instead of blindly moving all of the commits to the new base, interactive rebasing gives you the opportunity to alter individual commits in the process. This lets you clean up history by removing, splitting, and altering an existing series of commits. It’s like git commit --amend on steroids.


git rebase -i <base>
Rebase the current branch onto <base>, but use an interactive rebasing session. This opens an editor where you can enter commands (described below) for each commit to be rebased. These commands determine how individual commits will be transferred to the new base. You can also reorder the commit listing to change the order of the commits themselves.


Interactive rebasing gives you complete control over what your project history looks like. This affords a lot of freedom to developers, as it lets them commit a “messy” history while they’re focused on writing code, then go back and clean it up after the fact.
Most developers like to use an interactive rebase to polish a feature branch before merging it into the main code base. This gives them the opportunity to squash insignificant commits, delete obsolete ones, and make sure everything else is in order before committing to the “official” project history. To everybody else, it will look like the entire feature was developed in a single series of well-planned commits.


The example found below is an interactive adaptation of the one from the non-interactive git rebase page.
# Start a new feature
git checkout -b new-feature master
# Edit files
git commit -a -m "Start developing a feature"
# Edit more files
git commit -a -m "Fix something from the previous commit"

# Add a commit directly to master
git checkout master
# Edit files
git commit -a -m "Fix security hole"

# Begin an interactive rebasing session
git checkout new-feature
git rebase -i master
The last command will open an editor populated with the two commits from new-feature, along with some instructions:
pick 32618c4 Start developing a feature
pick 62eed47 Fix something from the previous commit
You can change the pick commands before each commit to determine how it gets moved during the rebase. In our case, let’s just combine the two commits with a squash command:
pick 32618c4 Start developing a feature
squash 62eed47 Fix something from the previous commit
Save and close the editor to begin the rebase. This will open another editor asking for the commit message for the combined snapshot. After defining the commit message, the rebase is complete and you should be able to see the squashed commit in your git log output. This entire process can be visualized as follows:
Note that the squashed commit has a different ID than either of the original commits, which tells us that it is indeed a brand new commit.
Finally, you can do a fast-forward merge to integrate the polished feature branch into the main code base:
git checkout master
git merge new-feature
The real power of interactive rebasing can be seen in the history of the resulting master branch—the extra 62eed47 commit is nowhere to be found. To everybody else, it looks like you’re a brilliant developer who implemented the new-feature with the perfect amount of commits the first time around. This is how interactive rebasing can keep a project’s history clean and meaningful.

git reflog

Git keeps track of updates to the tip of branches using a mechanism called reflog. This allows you to go back to changesets even though they are not referenced by any branch or tag. After rewriting history, the reflog contains information about the old state of branches and allows you to go back to that state if necessary.


git reflog
Show the reflog for the local repository.
git reflog --relative-date
Show the reflog with relative date information (e.g. 2 weeks ago).


Every time the current HEAD gets updated (by switching branches, pulling in new changes, rewriting history or simply by adding new commits) a new entry will be added to the reflog.


To understand git reflog, let's run through an example.
0a2e358 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD~2
0254ea7 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 2.2 to master
c10f740 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to 2.2
The reflog above shows a checkout from master to the 2.2 branch and back. From there, there's a hard reset to an older commit. The latest activity is represented at the top labeled HEAD@{0}.
If it turns out that you accidentially moved back, the reflog will contain the commit master pointed to (0254ea7) before you accidentially dropped 2 commits.
git reset --hard 0254ea7
Using git reset it is then possible to change master back to the commit it was before. This provides a safety net in case history was accidentially changed.
It's important to note that the reflog only provides a safety net if changes have been commited to your local repository and that it only tracks movements.


SVN uses a single central repository to serve as the communication hub for developers, and collaboration takes place by passing changesets between the developers’ working copies and the central repository. This is different from Git’s collaboration model, which gives every developer their own copy of the repository, complete with its own local history and branch structure. Users typically need to share a series of commits rather than a single changeset. Instead of committing a changeset from a working copy to the central repository, Git lets you share entire branches between repositories.
The commands presented below let you manage connections with other repositories, publish local history by “pushing” branches to other repositories, and see what others have contributed by “pulling” branches into your local repository.

git remote

The git remote command lets you create, view, and delete connections to other repositories. Remote connections are more like bookmarks rather than direct links into other repositories. Instead of providing real-time access to another repository, they serve as convenient names that can be used to reference a not-so-convenient URL.
For example, the following diagram shows two remote connections from your repo into the central repo and another developer’s repo. Instead of referencing them by their full URLs, you can pass the origin and john shortcuts to other Git commands.


git remote
List the remote connections you have to other repositories.
git remote -v
Same as the above command, but include the URL of each connection.
git remote add <name> <url>
Create a new connection to a remote repository. After adding a remote, you’ll be able to use <name> as a convenient shortcut for<url> in other Git commands.
git remote rm <name>
Remove the connection to the remote repository called <name>.
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name>
Rename a remote connection from <old-name> to <new-name>.


Git is designed to give each developer an entirely isolated development environment. This means that information is not automatically passed back and forth between repositories. Instead, developers need to manually pull upstream commits into their local repository or manually push their local commits back up to the central repository. The git remote command is really just an easier way to pass URLs to these “sharing” commands.

The origin Remote

When you clone a repository with git clone, it automatically creates a remote connection called origin pointing back to the cloned repository. This is useful for developers creating a local copy of a central repository, since it provides an easy way to pull upstream changes or publish local commits. This behavior is also why most Git-based projects call their central repository origin.

Repository URLs

Git supports many ways to reference a remote repository. Two of the easiest ways to access a remote repo are via the HTTP and the SSH protocols. HTTP is an easy way to allow anonymous, read-only access to a repository. For example:
But, it’s generally not possible to push commits to an HTTP address (you wouldn’t want to allow anonymous pushes anyways). For read-write access, you should use SSH instead:
You’ll need a valid SSH account on the host machine, but other than that, Git supports authenticated access via SSH out of the box.


In addition to origin, it’s often convenient to have a connection to your teammates’ repositories. For example, if your co-worker, John, maintained a publicly accessible repository on, you could add a connection as follows:
git remote add john
Having this kind of access to individual developers’ repositories makes it possible to collaborate outside of the central repository. This can be very useful for small teams working on a large project.

git fetch

The git fetch command imports commits from a remote repository into your local repo. The resulting commits are stored as remote branches instead of the normal local branches that we’ve been working with. This gives you a chance to review changes before integrating them into your copy of the project.


git fetch <remote>
Fetch all of the branches from the repository. This also downloads all of the required commits and files from the other repository.
git fetch <remote> <branch>
Same as the above command, but only fetch the specified branch.


Fetching is what you do when you want to see what everybody else has been working on. Since fetched content is represented as a remote branch, it has absolutely no effect on your local development work. This makes fetching a safe way to review commits before integrating them with your local repository. It’s similar to svn update in that it lets you see how the central history has progressed, but it doesn’t force you to actually merge the changes into your repository.

Remote Branches

Remote branches are just like local branches, except they represent commits from somebody else’s repository. You can check out a remote branch just like a local one, but this puts you in a detached HEAD state (just like checking out an old commit). You can think of them as read-only branches. To view your remote branches, simply pass the -r flag to the git branch command. Remote branches are prefixed by the remote they belong to so that you don’t mix them up with local branches. For example, the next code snippet shows the branches you might see after fetching from the origin remote:
git branch -r
# origin/master
# origin/develop
# origin/some-feature
Again, you can inspect these branches with the usual git checkoutand git log commands. If you approve the changes a remote branch contains, you can merge it into a local branch with a normal git merge. So, unlike SVN, synchronizing your local repository with a remote repository is actually a two-step process: fetch, then merge. The git pull command is a convenient shortcut for this process.


This example walks through the typical workflow for synchronizing your local repository with the central repository's master branch.
git fetch origin
This will display the branches that were downloaded:
a1e8fb5..45e66a4 master -> origin/master
a1e8fb5..9e8ab1c develop -> origin/develop
* [new branch] some-feature -> origin/some-feature
The commits from these new remote branches are shown as squares instead of circles in the diagram below. As you can see, git fetchgives you access to the entire branch structure of another repository.
To see what commits have been added to the upstream master, you can run a git log using origin/master as a filter
git log --oneline master..origin/master
To approve the changes and merge them into your local masterbranch with the following commands:
git checkout master
git log origin/master
Then we can use git merge origin/master
git merge origin/master
The origin/master and master branches now point to the same commit, and you are synchronized with the upstream developments.

git pull

Merging upstream changes into your local repository is a common task in Git-based collaboration workflows. We already know how to do this with git fetch followed by git merge, but git pull rolls this into a single command.


git pull <remote>
Fetch the specified remote’s copy of the current branch and immediately merge it into the local copy. This is the same as git fetch <remote> followed by git merge origin/<current-branch>.
git pull --rebase <remote>
Same as the above command, but instead of using git merge to integrate the remote branch with the local one, use git rebase.


You can think of git pull as Git's version of svn update. It’s an easy way to synchronize your local repository with upstream changes. The following diagram explains each step of the pulling process.
You start out thinking your repository is synchronized, but then git fetch reveals that origin's version of master has progressed since you last checked it. Then git merge immediately integrates theremote master into the local one:

Pulling via Rebase

The --rebase option can be used to ensure a linear history by preventing unnecessary merge commits. Many developers prefer rebasing over merging, since it’s like saying, “I want to put my changes on top of what everybody else has done.” In this sense, using git pull with the --rebase flag is even more like svn update than a plain git pull.
In fact, pulling with --rebase is such a common workflow that there is a dedicated configuration option for it:
git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
After running that command, all git pull commands will integrate via git rebase instead of git merge.


The following example demonstrates how to synchronize with the central repository's master branch:
git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin
This simply moves your local changes onto the top of what everybody else has already contributed.

git push

Pushing is how you transfer commits from your local repository to a remote repo. It's the counterpart to git fetch, but whereas fetching imports commits to local branches, pushing exports commits to remote branches. This has the potential to overwrite changes, so you need to be careful how you use it. These issues are discussed below.


git push <remote> <branch>
Push the specified branch to <remote>, along with all of the necessary commits and internal objects. This creates a local branch in the destination repository. To prevent you from overwriting commits, Git won’t let you push when it results in a non-fast-forward merge in the destination repository.
git push <remote> --force
Same as the above command, but force the push even if it results in a non-fast-forward merge. Do not use the --force flag unless you’re absolutely sure you know what you’re doing.
git push <remote> --all
Push all of your local branches to the specified remote.
git push <remote> --tags
Tags are not automatically pushed when you push a branch or use the --all option. The --tags flag sends all of your local tags to the remote repository.


The most common use case for git push is to publish your local changes to a central repository. After you’ve accumulated several local commits and are ready to share them with the rest of the team, you (optionally) clean them up with an interactive rebase, then push them to the central repository.
The above diagram shows what happens when your local masterhas progressed past the central repository’s master and you publish changes by running git push origin master. Notice how git pushis essentially the same as running git merge master from inside the remote repository.

Force Pushing

Git prevents you from overwriting the central repository’s history by refusing push requests when they result in a non-fast-forward merge. So, if the remote history has diverged from your history, you need to pull the remote branch and merge it into your local one, then try pushing again. This is similar to how SVN makes you synchronize with the central repository via svn update before committing a changeset.
The --force flag overrides this behavior and makes the remote repository’s branch match your local one, deleting any upstream changes that may have occurred since you last pulled. The only time you should ever need to force push is when you realize that the commits you just shared were not quite right and you fixed them with a git commit --amend or an interactive rebase. However, you must be absolutely certain that none of your teammates have pulled those commits before using the --force option.

Only Push to Bare Repositories

In addition, you should only push to repositories that have been created with the --bare flag. Since pushing messes with the remote branch structure, it’s important to never push to another developer’s repository. But because bare repos don’t have a working directory, it’s impossible to interrupt anybody’s developments.


The following example describes one of the standard methods for publishing local contributions to the central repository. First, it makes sure your local master is up-to-date by fetching the central repository’s copy and rebasing your changes on top of them. The interactive rebase is also a good opportunity to clean up your commits before sharing them. Then, the git push command sends all of the commits on your local master to the central repository.
git checkout master
git fetch origin master
git rebase -i origin/master
# Squash commits, fix up commit messages etc.
git push origin master
Since we already made sure the local master was up-to-date, this should result in a fast-forward merge, and git push should not complain about any of the non-fast-forward issues discussed above.

Migrate to Git from SVN

We’ve broken down the SVN-to-Git migration process into 5 simple steps:
  1. Prepare your environment for the migration.
  2. Convert the SVN repository to a local Git repository.
  3. Synchronize the local Git repository when the SVN repository changes.
  4. Share the Git repository with your developers via Bitbucket.
  5. Migrate your development efforts from SVN to Git.
The prepare, convert, and synchronize steps take a SVN commit history and turn it into a Git repository. The best way to manage these first 3 steps is to designate one of your team members as the migration lead (if you’re reading this guide, that person is probably you). All 3 of these steps should be performed on the migration lead’s local computer.
After the synchronize phase, the migration lead should have no trouble keeping a local Git repository up-to-date with an SVN counterpart. To share the Git repository, the migration lead can share his local Git repository with other developers by pushing it toBitbucket, a Git hosting service.
Once it’s on Bitbucket, other developers can clone the converted Git repository to their local machines, explore its history with Git commands, and begin integrating it into their build processes. However, we advocate a one-way synchronization from SVN to Git until your team is ready to switch to a pure Git workflow. This means that everybody should treat their Git repository as read-only and continue committing to the original SVN repository. The only changes to the Git repository should happen when the migration lead synchronizes it and pushes the updates to Bitbucket.
This provides a clear-cut transition period where your team can get comfortable with Git without interrupting your existing SVN-based workflow. Once you’re confident that your developers are ready to make the switch, the final step in the migration process is to freeze your SVN repository and begin committing with Git instead.
This switch should be a very natural process, as the entire Git workflow is already in place and your developers have had all the time they need to get comfortable with it. By this point, you have successfully migrated your project from SVN to Git.

git init

The git init command creates a new Git repository. It can be used to convert an existing, unversioned project to a Git repository or initialize a new empty repository. Most of the other Git commands are not available outside of an initialized repository, so this is usually the first command you’ll run in a new project.
Executing git init creates a .git subdirectory in the project root, which contains all of the necessary metadata for the repo. Aside from the .git directory, an existing project remains unaltered (unlike SVN, Git doesn't require a .git folder in every subdirectory).


git init
Transform the current directory into a Git repository. This adds a .git folder to the current directory and makes it possible to start recording revisions of the project.
git init <directory>
Create an empty Git repository in the specified directory. Running this command will create a new folder called <directory containing nothing but the .git subdirectory.
git init --bare <directory>
Initialize an empty Git repository, but omit the working directory. Shared repositories should always be created with the --bare flag (see discussion below). Conventionally, repositories initialized with the --bare flag end in .git. For example, the bare version of a repository called my-project should be stored in a directory called my-project.git.


Compared to SVN, the git init command is an incredibly easy way to create new version-controlled projects. Git doesn’t require you to create a repository, import files, and check out a working copy. All you have to do is cd into your project folder and run git init, and you’ll have a fully functional Git repository.
However, for most projects, git init only needs to be executed once to create a central repository—developers typically don‘t use git init to create their local repositories. Instead, they’ll usually use git clone to copy an existing repository onto their local machine.

Bare Repositories

The --bare flag creates a repository that doesn’t have a working directory, making it impossible to edit files and commit changes in that repository. Central repositories should always be created as bare repositories because pushing branches to a non-bare repository has the potential to overwrite changes. Think of --bare as a way to mark a repository as a storage facility, opposed to a development environment. This means that for virtually all Git workflows, the central repository is bare, and developers local repositories are non-bare.


Since git clone is a more convenient way to create local copies of a project, the most common use case for git init is to create a central repository:
ssh <user>@<host>
cd path/above/repo
git init --bare my-project.git
First, you SSH into the server that will contain your central repository. Then, you navigate to wherever you’d like to store the project. Finally, you use the --bare flag to create a central storage repository. Developers would then [clone](/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository/git-clone) my-project.gitto create a local copy on their development machine.

git clone

The git clone command copies an existing Git repository. This is sort of like svn checkout, except the “working copy” is a full-fledged Git repository—it has its own history, manages its own files, and is a completely isolated environment from the original repository.
As a convenience, cloning automatically creates a remote connection called origin pointing back to the original repository. This makes it very easy to interact with a central repository.


git clone <repo>
Clone the repository located at <repo> onto the local machine. The original repository can be located on the local filesystem or on a remote machine accessible via HTTP or SSH.
git clone <repo> <directory>
Clone the repository located at <repo> into the folder called <directory> on the local machine.


If a project has already been set up in a central repository, the git clone command is the most common way for users to obtain a development copy. Like git init, cloning is generally a one-time operation—once a developer has obtained a working copy, all version control operations and collaborations are managed through their local repository.

Repo-To-Repo Collaboration

It’s important to understand that Git’s idea of a “working copy” is very different from the working copy you get by checking out code from an SVN repository. Unlike SVN, Git makes no distinction between the working copy and the central repository—they are all full-fledged Git repositories.
This makes collaborating with Git fundamentally different than with SVN. Whereas SVN depends on the relationship between the central repository and the working copy, Git’s collaboration model is based on repository-to-repository interaction. Instead of checking a working copy into SVN’s central repository, you push or pull commits from one repository to another.
Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from giving certain Git repos special meaning. For example, by simply designating one Git repo as the “central” repository, it’s possible to replicate a Centralized workflow using Git. The point is, this is accomplished through conventions rather than being hardwired into the VCS itself.


The example below demonstrates how to obtain a local copy of a central repository stored on a server accessible at example.comusing the SSH username john:
git clone ssh://
cd my-project
# Start working on the project
The first command initializes a new Git repository in the my-projectfolder on your local machine and populates it with the contents of the central repository. Then, you can cd into the project and start editing files, committing snapshots, and interacting with other repositories. Also note that the .git extension is omitted from the cloned repository. This reflects the non-bare status of the local copy.

git config

The git config command lets you configure your Git installation (or an individual repository) from the command line. This command can define everything from user info to preferences to the behavior of a repository. Several common configuration options are listed below.


git config <name>
Define the author name to be used for all commits in the current repository. Typically, you’ll want to use the --global flag to set configuration options for the current user.
git config --global <name>
Define the author name to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global <email>
Define the author email to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global alias.<alias-name> <git-command>
Create a shortcut for a Git command.
git config --system core.editor <editor>
Define the text editor used by commands like git commit for all users on the current machine. The <editor> argument should be the command that launches the desired editor (e.g., vi).
git config --global --edit
Open the global configuration file in a text editor for manual editing.


All configuration options are stored in plaintext files, so the git config command is really just a convenient command-line interface. Typically, you’ll only need to configure a Git installation the first time you start working on a new development machine, and for virtually all cases, you’ll want to use the --global flag.
Git stores configuration options in three separate files, which lets you scope options to individual repositories, users, or the entire system:
  • <repo>/.git/config – Repository-specific settings.
  • ~/.gitconfig – User-specific settings. This is where options set with the --global flag are stored.
  • $(prefix)/etc/gitconfig – System-wide settings.
When options in these files conflict, local settings override user settings, which override system-wide. If you open any of these files, you’ll see something like the following:
name = John Smith
email =
st = status
co = checkout
br = branch
up = rebase
ci = commit
editor = vim
You can manually edit these values to the exact same effect as git config.


The first thing you’ll want to do after installing Git is tell it your name/email and customize some of the default settings. A typical initial configuration might look something like the following:
# Tell Git who you are
git config --global "John Smith"
git config --global
# Select your favorite text editor
git config --global core.editor vim
# Add some SVN-like aliases
git config --global status
git config --global checkout
git config --global branch
git config --global alias.up rebase
git config --global commit
This will produce the ~/.gitconfig file from the previous section.

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